Location: Independence, Missouri

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

North Of The Border---September 5, 2006

The BIG NEWS: I get to do my core rotation at the VA Medical Center in Johnson City, Tennessee. Core rotations are 4 months in length. This was my first choice.

The Good News: I was selected to visit The Western Pennsylvania Hospital in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania at the end of this month. This is one of the most coveted residencies in the country. This is a four day visit that includes academic and clinical exposure. Two of my classmates are also attending.

More Good News: We understand we have a brand new cousin "way down south in Dixie".

Even More Good News: Kendall and Brenda, Cheryl's folks, were up for a visit over this past weekend. Had a very nice visit which included dinner on Saturday night at the Iowa Machine Shed.

Still Even MORE Good News: I passed my basic surgery course and have been granted scrub in privelges at Mercy Hospital.

The Bad News: Cheryl has been battling a knee injury that required a visit to urgent care on Sunday morning because she could barely walk. Fortunately, our own family practice physician was covering urgent care that day. There is a lateral subluxation of her left patella. She has been referred for regular physical therapy. If unsuccessful, the next step is MRI and referral to orthopedic surgery for release of the vastus lateralis tendon. Hopefully, she will not have to endure this.

That's all for now.


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