Location: Independence, Missouri

Monday, July 10, 2006

North of the Border---July 10th, 2006

First, happy birthday to Dad! He would have been 61 today! Sure do miss him.

Not much going on this week.

We enjoyed Mother's brief visit over the weekend and are looking for to seeing Cheryl's folks this weekend. We had a late lunch/early supper on Saturday at Appleby's followed by a boys vs. girls baseball game in the backyard. I think Grandma was 2 for 3 with an RBI! Great job!

We went to church on Sunday and had a TERRIBLE lunch at a Chinese Buffet in Urbandale afterwards.

Clinic orientation was today and I will see my first patients tomorrow afternoon! I will have to get used to wearing a necktie everyday, again. My exam is Wednesday morning but we won't get the results for about 6 weeks. I feel very prepared.

If anyone can email me with directions to or location of the Natural Arch near Hooten Town in Stone County, I would appreciate it. I have seen it, but I don't remember how to get there. I want to add the location to my Virtual Earth collection.

That's all for now.


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