Location: Independence, Missouri

Sunday, August 06, 2006

North Of The Border---August 6, 2006

Kind of a slow week. It has been a little cooler, though.

Congratulations to Mindy and JD on the birth of their son! We trust all is well and hope you are able to get at least a little bit of sleep.

We went to the Iowa Cubs game last Wednesday (yes, we skipped bible study). Caleb had won 4 tickets from the public library because of the amount of reading he has done over the summer. Good job, Caleb! Angel Guzman was pitching for the Cubs and he has spent some time in the big leagues this year.

School starts this week in earnest for me. Most of the time is spent on clinical rotations but we have a little bit of class, too. The first course is Basic Surgical Skills where we learn aseptic technique, the instrumentation, all of the knots used in surgery, suturing, and even some of the surgeries themselves.

This week on Wednesday, besides being my 37th B-day, is also the 37th anniversary of Helter Skelter---the most famous of the Manson family murders in Los Angeles. For some interesting reading, go to, click on "Directory", scroll down to "Sharon Tate", and click on it. Once there, you can also click on the words in blue to see various pictures. Some of them are very gory, so be forewarned. Another site is and it's pictures are even worse.

Not much elso going on.


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