Just My Sighs

Location: Independence, Missouri

Sunday, July 30, 2006

North Of The Border---July 30, 2006

It's too hot to do anything up here. Someone said that the heat index is going to be 114 today! Cheryl and Caleb have gone to the swimming pool this afternoon. I refrain from swimming because I always get water stuck in my ears and end up in the doctor's office with an ear infection. Kirsten went home with her friend Brianna after church. Cheryl and the kids went swimming at Gray's Lake quite a little bit last year and a few times this year. I have been a little skiddish about them returning since a little girl drowned there a couple of weeks ago. Lifeguards are not provided there.

I am looking forward to an opportunity to take a trip to Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, at the end of September. I have been invited to attend a weekend long open house at the Western Pennsylvania Hospital located there. They are showcasing their hospital and residency program to prospective residents. This residency is in at least the top 3 residencies in the country! I can't imagine moving to Pittsburgh and living so far away, but I might as well take advantage of their hospitality and see what is offered. Here is the link if your are interested.


Looking forward to hearing from Mindy and JD this week. By this time tomorrow, there is liable to be THREE living at the Schiman home.

Not much else to report.

Sunday, July 23, 2006

North Of The Border---July 23, 2006

Not really too much happening up here. It has been very hot with heat indices reaching as high as 107 degrees. We had some relief last Friday due to showers overnight on Thursday.

Last Wednesday was our 15th Anniversary! We really splurged and had the $4.99 all-you-can-eat buffet at CiCi's pizza. We should be ashamed of such extravagence! I love you very much, Cheryl. I wouldn't change a thing. Except the rat infested house in Lamar and the time the kitchen ceiling fell in at our house in Springfield. Those I would change. But I wouldn't change anything about you.

We signed up to be on a softball team for the rest of the summer. When will I ever act my age?

This is THE BOMB!!! On line yodeling lessons! What will they think of next? Here is the link!

Okay. Funny story that happened today. As many of you know, Cheryl and I (together) teach two separate Sunday School classes---one is Kindergarten through 2nd grade and the other is 3rd grade through 5th grade. Anyway, the text today was from Acts 12:1-19 in which Peter had been arrested by Herod and while under heavy guard was visited by an angel who loosed the chains and provided for Peter's escape. A very familiar story. Well, after the lesson I usually ask a few questions to see if the kids can recount the details of the story.

I asked a little girl (she will be going into 1st grade), "Who in the story was arrested?"

She replied, "Peter!"

I said, "That's right! And who held Peter as a prisoner?"

And she said "The British!"

Working with kids is so much fun.

Sunday, July 16, 2006

New Virtual Earth Collection

The North Hollywood Shootout

Many of you will remember this. It occured on Friday, February 28, 1997 when two individuals clad in heavy body armor and armed with AK-47 assault rifles robbed the Bank of America on Laurel Canyon Boulevard. Officers from the North Hollywood Divsion of the Los Angeles Police Department observed the suspects enter the bank. Several minutes later, a 44 minute gun battle ensued. The police were so outmatched regarding firepower that they went to a local gun store to comandeer better weaponry! In the end, the suspects were the only ones to lose their lives, though several police officers and citizens were seriously wounded. This incident was the basis for the movie "44 minutes" and lots of actual video footage is available on the internet. In fact, there are also mp.3 files of all of the police radio traffic from the incident. It is very chilling to listen to. Here is a link to the recording. Scroll down to "North Hollywood Shootout". It is long, but very interesting. There is about two minutes of unrelated radio traffic before the robbery takes place.


Anyway, here are a few locations if you are interested.


North Of The Border---July 16, 2006

Not too much to report this week.

Cheryl's folks could not come this weekend after all. Too bad.

I started in the clinic last week and I really enjoyed seeing the patients. It has been good to realize some practical application of what I have been studying. I hesitate to reveal too much about the cases due to privacy concerns but I did see a herniated disk that presented as numbness in the feet---this was subsequently referred to a neurologist. I also saw patient with a bunion who consented to surgery.

Last Wednesday was the first board exam and I can say that it was very difficult. I should know the results in about six weeks. Believe it or not, a score of only 50% is required to pass. But the questions are HARD! I think I did OK, though. I will take another board exam during the fourth year. This covers clinical material (how to diagnose, treat, perform surgery, etc.) whereas the exam I took last week covers basic sciences (anatomy, physiology, biochemistry, etc.). One has to pass both exams to graduate and obtain a license to practice medicine. After residency, I will have to be examined for board certification. The residency models have recently changed and most podiatrists will carry three board certifications: Primary Care & Orthopedics; Foot Surgery; and Reconstructive Ankle Surgery. In the past, podiatrists have not had the option to specifically certify in ankle surgery though podiatrists have been very well trained in this for quite some time. Sometimes I wonder if I will ever get finished!

Well, that's all for now.

Monday, July 10, 2006

North of the Border---July 10th, 2006

First, happy birthday to Dad! He would have been 61 today! Sure do miss him.

Not much going on this week.

We enjoyed Mother's brief visit over the weekend and are looking for to seeing Cheryl's folks this weekend. We had a late lunch/early supper on Saturday at Appleby's followed by a boys vs. girls baseball game in the backyard. I think Grandma was 2 for 3 with an RBI! Great job!

We went to church on Sunday and had a TERRIBLE lunch at a Chinese Buffet in Urbandale afterwards.

Clinic orientation was today and I will see my first patients tomorrow afternoon! I will have to get used to wearing a necktie everyday, again. My exam is Wednesday morning but we won't get the results for about 6 weeks. I feel very prepared.

If anyone can email me with directions to or location of the Natural Arch near Hooten Town in Stone County, I would appreciate it. I have seen it, but I don't remember how to get there. I want to add the location to my Virtual Earth collection.

That's all for now.

Monday, July 03, 2006

North Of The Border---July 3rd, 2006

This will be my weekly (I hope) newsletter to you all. So here we go!

It has been a very busy couple of weeks up here "north of the border".

We have been to church 13 times over the past 15 days! From June 18-20 Evangelist Jamey Ragle was in town for revival. I would highly recommend going to see him. He will be at Parkcrest Baptist Church in Springfield, Missouri, (Republic Road west of Campbell Avenue), September 10th through 13th. He is HILARIOUS, but a very strong preacher as well as a talented singer. I know you will be blessed. Here is the link to his site.


The following week was vacation bible school. We followed a "FIESTA" theme and all the teachers wore sombreros. Kirsten and I taught a group of 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders while Cheryl taught a group of Kindergarteners, 1st graders, and 2nd graders. We did not quite reach our goal of 200, but we got very close. This is the second year we have taught this. Would highly recommend this as it is a rewarding and enjoyable experience.

My board exam is a week from this Wednesday (7/12) and I must say I am quite tired of studying! I think I am well prepared, but I will spend the next week brushing up and reviewing.

My summer clinic rotation starts July 1o. I will choose my externship sites this fall. Here is the "short list" and link to the residency directory.


Johnson City, TN
Evanville, IN
South Bend, IN
Louisville, KY
Greenville, TX
Temple, TX
Fort Worth, TX
Montgomery, AL

There are several fireworks displays to choose from for tomorrow. We are leaning towards Racoon River.

We have tickets for the Iowa Cubs on Wednesday. It is "Grace Chruch Night" at the ballpark and we were able to take advantage of discounted tickets. It will be our 3rd trip to the ballpark this year! The Cubs are playing the New Orleans Zephyrs, an affiliate of the Washington Nationals.

Thursday, of course, is Caleb's birthday. Boy, that 10 years sure went quick!

We are expecting my mother this weekend and Cheryl's folks the following weekend.

Well, that's all for now. It's getting late...



As many of you know, Lee and Nicole Grover's daughter Shelby has been under treatment at St. Jude's in Memphis for a brain tumor. For those who don't know, Nicole used to work for me at St. John's and Lee is a Springfield firefighter. Oh, the stories we could tell!

Here is a link to Shelby's website.


Please keep Shelby and her family in your prayers.

Our Church

Here is our church's website.


It is a Southern Baptist church, but it is uncharacteristically difficult to be identified as such. Our pastor once told us that research has indicated that the word "baptist" tends to deter potential vistors! As this is contrary to our mission philosophy, it was decided to de-emphasize our denominational affiliations when appropriate.

My School

Here is the link to my school if anyone is interested in nosing around!
