Just My Sighs

Location: Independence, Missouri

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Heave Ho!

Check out these unbeliveable videos.

1. A minor league manager goes berserk after getting tossed. Notice "Hit The Road Jack" is playing over the stadium speakers as the manager makes his final departure.


2. Detroit Tigers manager Jim Leyland demonstrates his patriotism as his argument is interrupted by the playing of "God Bless America" during the seventh inning stretch.


3. A University of Arkansas baseball player gets tossed. He should change is major to drama.


4. Gone, well almost...


5. Unbelievable!


North Of The Border---September 20, 2006

Here it comes again! It dipped down into the 30's today (39 degrees this morning). I will be shoveling snow again before you know it.

Sorry I have not written in so long. I have been swamped. The hospital in Pittsburgh that I am visiting next week gave a WHOPPER reading assignment. I was told to be very familar with all current literature published by their residency which seems insurmountable. I decided to limit my self to articles to 2004 and later (which is still extensive). I hope this will suffice. They also said to be conversant in all foot and ankle surgeries. This residency emphasizes in rearfoot (heel) and ankle surgery which we have not studied as much at school to this point. We have studied most of the forefoot surgeries (bunionectomy, arthroplasty for correction of hammertoes, neurectomy, etc.) as well as some plastic surgery procedures. I have even performed many of the surgeries on cadaveric specimens. But the ankle is a whole new "ball of wax". The attending physicians in Pittsburgh are principle authors for the patient care guidelines concerning ankle and heel surgery. In other words, they wrote the book. So I have a lot of cramming to do. I am also trying to complete Dror Paley's textbook on lower limb deformity correction as additional outside reading. Dr. Paley is a GENIUS orthopaedic surgeon in Baltimore and is without a doubt the authority on external fixation in this country. Check out his website at http://www.lifebridgehealth.org/sinaibody.cfm?id=1754. Anyhow, the Western Pennsylvania Hospital orignially invited me to evaluate them, but this seems to be turning into an opportunity for them to evaluate ME. I fly to Pittsburgh next Thursday.

I am also considering writing a paper, perhaps on gangrene. I would like to get published before I graduate, but we will see how it goes. There has not been much written on gangrene in the past several years.

Mom was up for a visit over this past weekend. We went to the outlet mall in Williamsburg, Iowa, last Saturday. After that, we drove up to Amana, Iowa, to see the Amana colonies. The Amana colonies are a German settlement near Iowa City. They have lots of little shops and such. It is a lot like Silver Dollar used to be, but without the rides. There is an authentic bakery, smokehouse, winery, and so forth. We had supper in an authentic German resturant that evening. I had one of my favorites---a Reuben sandwich.

Cheryl is doing well with the physical therapy. Let's keep our fingers crossed.

All is well. I hope you can say the same.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Have You Seen This Man?

If you see this man, no matter how handsome and appealing you may find him, DO NOT APPROACH HIM!

Reliable information indicates that this individual is likely to be interested in examining your FEET. It is STRONGLY recommended that you KEEP YOUR SHOES AND SOCKS ON if he is in your vicinity.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

North Of The Border---September 5, 2006

The BIG NEWS: I get to do my core rotation at the VA Medical Center in Johnson City, Tennessee. Core rotations are 4 months in length. This was my first choice.

The Good News: I was selected to visit The Western Pennsylvania Hospital in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania at the end of this month. This is one of the most coveted residencies in the country. This is a four day visit that includes academic and clinical exposure. Two of my classmates are also attending.

More Good News: We understand we have a brand new cousin "way down south in Dixie".

Even More Good News: Kendall and Brenda, Cheryl's folks, were up for a visit over this past weekend. Had a very nice visit which included dinner on Saturday night at the Iowa Machine Shed.

Still Even MORE Good News: I passed my basic surgery course and have been granted scrub in privelges at Mercy Hospital.

The Bad News: Cheryl has been battling a knee injury that required a visit to urgent care on Sunday morning because she could barely walk. Fortunately, our own family practice physician was covering urgent care that day. There is a lateral subluxation of her left patella. She has been referred for regular physical therapy. If unsuccessful, the next step is MRI and referral to orthopedic surgery for release of the vastus lateralis tendon. Hopefully, she will not have to endure this.

That's all for now.