Just My Sighs

Location: Independence, Missouri

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

North Of The Border---January 18, 2007

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, though very late.

We have been so busy with everything and are home computer is not working that well so I haven't added much.

We understand Springfield is once again a modern city, electricity and all.

We had a nice break, but things are back in full swing.

We had some snow fall this past week and it has been quite cold.

Nothing really new to report. Caleb had a wrestling meet last Tuesday. Didn't win, but he didn't get pinned either! Sometimes fighting the good fight is distinct from winning. Kirsten has her 1st basketball game next week. She has been working out with the "B" team as the point guard. I think the year off from basketball last year may have hurt her, but I know she is resilient and will bounce back. Her school class raised over $2000 for school uniforms for some kids in Africa.
This fund raiser was her idea and resulted from a research project she did. A real feather in her cap.

Everything is about the same otherwise. My research is progressing and we sould have a final draft soon. I am dabbling with the other research ideas including a non-invasive test for collagen vascular diseases (lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, etc.). Also, I would like to revisit non-invasive tests for Achilles' tendon rupture. Neither are really new ideas, but I may have something to add.

Hope all is well with everyone.